Yup, as the title says, I'm slowly getting back to 'hobbying'. I've been really busy with the triplets and they really got me working! Imagine you have to feed them every 3 hours, everyday for the next 5 months, that doesn't leave me enough time to do anything let alone hobbying. But the good thing is I'm getting the hang of it, and trust me it does do you wonders if you organized things up. Here's my update so far;
Pre Heresy Vlka Fenryka
This is a continuation of my Vlka Fenrya project. As per the pics, this is Asgier Longspear's pack and part of 3rd Company. Nothing fancy, just the same method I used with the previous completed Space Wolves. 3 more models and I'm done with this pack.
Asgier Longspear pack |
Wolf Guard, Asgier Longspear |
Next, I wanted to finish a remaining Terminator Wolf Guard model then I'm good for 1000 points. I've been eyeing on that beautiful Contemptor dreadnought from FW. Was thinking of getting one, it will really compliment this pre heresy army.
Vampire Counts
With the newly released Vampire Counts Army book, is high time that I do something on my neglected Vampire Counts army. I got loads of free Warhammer stuffs from Austria not too long ago, courtesy of an Austrian friend who is living here in Bangkok. So I have this old Chaos Knight horse and have decided to use it as a Barded Nightmare for my Blood Knights. I kinda experimenting with Blood Knights and I came out with this color scheme. Basically is Red Gore washed with Badab Black and a dry brush of Boltgun Metal to have that aged and rustic look suitable for a VC army.
Next post I will include the Blood Knight himself, converted from an old Chaos Knight as well. Till then. laters..