I'm sidetracking a bit from my Night Lords and to introduce a teaser of my upcoming project; pre-heresy Space Wolves aka Vlka Fenryka! Warhammer 30k dudes!! We already got some positive response from Legio members and other players who are already on board in this pre-heresy project. Initial suggestions to have a pre-heresy army of 1000 points beginning March 2012. I'm aiming for 1750 points but 1000 is a good start. Below is some of the test models that I converted recently.

I looked all over the internet including Space Wolves blogs and forums, most of their pre-heresy conversion were using Chaos Warriors as a basis. So this is great and I don't have to spend so much on FW stuffs. CW are suitable due to their cape attached with Wolf's fur and pelt. This will work great on pre-heresy SW as it compliments their barbaric and savage look (though they're not stupid as they appear) The Horus Heresy - Collected Visions, have tons of pre-heresy pictures and I drew some of my inspirations from there.
So the basic components for this conversion are simple; Chaos Warriors, Space Wolves sprues and Green Stuff. My main goal here is try to make them as 'hairy' as possible and most of them will have that cape. Green Stuff will help to create more fur and also to cover up any gaps.

Well this is just the beginning and quite happy with the preliminary test. I will look for other ways to make them more pre-heresy. For now I'm going to paint this test models and see how they turnout. I will post more pictures soon.
Now back to my Night Lords, only 4 Jump Assault squad and a Stormraven to finish. Then I'm good for the battlefield. Laters..