We all the new Fantasy BRB provided wealth of history, backgrounds and even painting and converting miniatures. If your flip the pages in the Fantasy BRB, you'll find the 'kit bashing' part in the converting your mini's section. That's what I did with my zombie unit. I maximized whatever sprues I have to make a unit of 40 zombies from a kit for 20. Take a peek below.
I started piling up all the sprues I can use such as tombstones, heads and hands, as if the Zombies were freshly animated or exhumes from their graves. I think its cost saving and it also add some drama to the zombie units.

Then I base painted everything before dipping. One think I hate about painting zombies because there are lots of colors that need to be use or the zombies will look dull. Well at least that's what I thought because I want my zombie unit to look vibrant but maintaining the dead image at the same time. Below are the dipped zombies before giving the matt finish.

Below some of the completed zombies for my VC. It's pretty simple and cost saving at the same time. I'm going back to Malaysia next week for Hari Raya, and will be paying Legio Malaysia a visit on 17th Sept. Hope some of you Legio regulars are there for a game or two. Hopefully I've enough space in my baggage to put at least one army for gaming. Probably I'll bring my Space Wolves, well I just don't know yet. Till then laters...