That's right! The Undead will be my new
Warhammer Fantasy army and I'm planning a 2500 points strong force. Too often I went to Slice and Dice here in Bangkok and come to realise that they play Fantasy here more than 40k. What a better way to start by joining the crowd here. I had plan earlier to start a Vampire Counts army but the Space Wolves got in the way. Now that I'm almost finish with the
VC will be my new project, and I foresee that this might take some time to complete (family, work and pursuing my MBA at the same time,
huhu..). To start I've gotten myself 2 packs of Dire Wolves and a battalion of undead are on its way from Maelstrom consisting of 2o skeletons, 20 zombies, 10 crypt ghouls and a
corpse cart. Also with the imminent launch of the 8
th edition version, this is the perfect time to start a Fantasy army. Below is the army list I'm planning to construct, comments and advice are welcome.
Army of Vlad (2480 pts)
Lords and HeroesVlad Von
Carstein - 475
Necromancer - 210
- Invocation of
Nehek, Raise Dead,
Vanhel's Danse Macabre
- Dispel Scroll, Corpse Cart with Unholy Lodestone
Vampire - 165
-Tomb Blade, Dispel Scroll, Lord of the Dead
Wight King - 100
- Sword of Kings
Core20 Skeletons - 205
- Command, Banner of the Dead Legion
20 Skeletons - 205
- Command, Banner of the Dead Legion
20 Zombie Horde - 92
- Musician, Standard Bearer
5 Dire Wolves
5 Dire Wolves
Special20 Grave Guard - 303
-Musician, Banner of the Barrows
Fellbats3 Spirit Host
Rare Black Coach - 200
Vargulf - 175
This army is some what flexible with Vlad, Necromancer and the Vampire can help to raise unsavory
Undeads and support the army. Also with so many Dark Magics
coalescing around can help to pump the Black Coach and make it a monster in close combat. Not to forget Vlad himself is the most powerful Vampire around and he's strong enough to see mostly any foes supported by Grave Guards along side the Wight King. Zombies and Skeletons provide weight of numbers in combat, Dire Wolves can make dangerous flank and rear charges while the
Fellbats can
disrupt enemy artillery units. Finally, the Spirit Hosts (I love this ghosts so much, being Ethereal and all..),
Vargulf and the Black Coach will do much needed damage to the enemy. This is prelim of course and comments and advices are welcome.