This blog is mainly dedicated to my Warhammer 40k/30k hobby and other hobby endeavors.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
IG Army List Calculator

Monday, December 7, 2009
Black Legion Obliterators
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Arenxis Campaign: Defeat at Dunnkyrc & "Kindred"
Although the Imperium was defeated, it was a great campagin nonetheless. Great thanks to Azlan for planning and organizing this awesome and diabolical campaign. Also thanks to all participants who make this campaign a success. All the tauntings, postings, strategies and dice roll actions were memorable indeed. Can't wait for the next one. Lord General Faizal will return. Ave Legio!!
For the Kindred tourney, the Son of Alpharius, Iqbal, will be my evil Chaos partner and together we will slaughter any other weakling kindreds for the Glory of Chaos! Chaos can't be denied!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Slow week to Hobby Nite and "Kindred"
Now, on the doubles tournament Kindred, which is the brainchild of Legio members Arzmi and Khairul. It will be held in March 2010 after the Iron Painter (February 2010) competition. Please check out the rulepacks at the Legio website (Kindred banner). A 2 person team format tournament which each are allocated 500pts per person. This will be the first such event ever in Legio's history and it will incorporate the Legio Hobby Tournament (LHT). The LHT emphasized on the hobby aspect of Warhammer 40k and encourage its participants to show their hobby enthusiasm during such event. The good thing about the LHT is the introduction of Best General trophy for players who scored the highest point regardless of his army appearance (must be to a minimum standard). Meaning if your painting like crap but scored the highest battle points, you got yourself the Best Generals trophy! I can't wait for the tourney. I'll be fielding my Chaos Black Legion for Kindred, anybody interested to pair up? Preferable Chaos or forces of Disorder.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Heavy Bolter Justice
On the conversion, the torso and leg are Cadian sprues, the arms and head from Catachans, the Heavy Bolter conversions from the Leman Russ Tank sprues.
Painting also wasn't that complicated. Base coated with Chaos Black. Pant's Catachan Green with a highlight of Gnarloc Green. Body armor Graveyard Earth and wash of Scorched Brown. The H.Bolter with Boltgun Metal and highlight of Codex Grey. The face and arms are a bit detailed however. I started with Bronze Flesh and wash it with a watered down Dark Flesh. Then a thin layer of Dwarf Flesh and then a highlight of Elf Flesh. And for the finale, dipped with Minwax Golden Oak (works all the time hehe..) and that's it! Simple and saves me at least RM 60 from buying the Sergeant Harker model. Benissimo!
Now, to get back to my Black Legion Berzekers, which I've managed to finished only 3 berzerkers this week rather than my original target of 10. Laters..
Friday, November 20, 2009
Hobby Nite - 20th Nov
After the discussion, had a round of 40k with Dann's formidable Eldar with my new Black Legion army list. It was SG mission with Spearhead deployment. It was a tight game which I won by 1 objective. Khorne Berzerkers are awesome, they managed to destroy and wrecked a Falcon and Fire Prism even with their cursed holofields! A great start for Abadon's forces. Other dice rolls actions, Cityfight battle between Subhan's Daemons and Lan's Brandenburg in which the Brandenburg emerged victorius and later Subhan's White Scars overrun Shazli's Ultramarines. Arzmi's Daemonhunters defeated Red Eye's White Scars and tarpits battle between Khairul's Saim Hann and Ivan's Nurgle Common Cold, not sure who won but I think the Saim Hann did. Lastly it was IG (Nahri's Bradenburg usurpers, lol, very funny lan) vs IG (Lan's Bradenburg), not sure who won that coz I left before the game ended. Oh, Soo Jinn and Kong was there too, playing Infinity, not sure what was the game like since too busy battling with Dann.
Later Arzmi, Khairul, Iqbal, Subhan and myself reconvened at the famous mamak stop for some unhealthy food and drinks. Another great hobby nite, can't wait till next week. Ciao!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Black Legion Update
Monday, November 16, 2009
Legio 40k Tourney - Aftermath of the Inquisition Wars
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Legio 40k Tourney
The Manticore!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Legio Tourney - Slaanesh or Cadian 7th?
Daemon Prince with MoS, LoS and Wings - 155pts
Daemon Prince with MoS, LoS and Wings - 155pts
6x Chosen with 3 meltaguns, Flamer, Rhino- 178pts
6x NM with A.Champion, Doom Siren, P.Weapon and 5x Sonic Blaster - 190pts
6x NM with A.Champion, Doom Siren, P.Weapon and 5x Sonic Blaster - 190pts
6x NM with A.Champion, Doom Siren, Rhino - 185pts
3x Obliterator - 225pts
Land Raider with Extra Armour - 235pts
Land Raider with Extra Armour - 235pts
Total Points: 1748.
Quite brittle army list and careful plannings/tactics are needed due to low resources. But that's where lies the fun! I had experience with 2 land raiders Slaanesh army during the 2nd Season Legio League and it was a force to be reckoned with. The DPs with LoS to attract vulnerable units to Doom Siren range and assault them since they are I 6. The Chosen will be the surprise element with their ability to outflank and pop enemy tanks with melta (Iqbal's idea). 2 units of NM are to embark into the Land Raider and surge forward or take up defensive position. The other NM in Rhino are to contest or grab objectives. Finally Oblits will provide heavy fire support or acts as a surprise attack with their deep strike capability.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Arenxis Campaign - Week 2
Also Jeff posted the second issue of Aquila News Network and personally I think it was awesome work! Kudos to Jeff! Go and check it out.

Cadian 7th Armour mobilized for battle
I will be facing the Orks next week to defend the Hubris Spaceport. The Cadian 7th will not fail! For the Emperor!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Arenxis Minoris Campagin
Monday, August 17, 2009
Cadian 7th in action - against Eldar of Altansar

4x Veterans - 2 Plasma, 2 Meltagun, Vox Astropath
4x Veterans - 1 Plasma, Vox, Astropath
Infantry Platoon
Al Rahem
4x Veterans - 2x Meltagun, 1x Plasma Gun, Flamer, Vox, Chimera
Commisar Viktor Hark - Power Weapon
10x Cadian - 3x Meltagun, Vox, Chimera
10x Tanith Vets - 3x Meltagun, Vox, in Valkyrie
Valkyrie (Mortis) - Multiple Rocket Pods, Heavy Bolter
Leman Russ Demolisher (Annihilator) - Sponson Plasma Cannon
Leman Russ (Wrath of Holn) - Sponson Heavy Bolter, Lascannon hull
Leman Russ (Kedah's Pride) - Sponson Heavy Bolter

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Cadian 7th In Action - against White Scars

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Legio Birthday Bash and Golden Kris Competition
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Spore Con 2009 Battle Reports
Daemon Prince Manaroth: MoT, Warptime,WoC, Wings
Slaanesh Daemon Prince: MoS, LoS, Wings
9x Plague Marines, Aspring Champion, P.Fist,Plasma Pistol, 2x Meltagun
9x Plague Marines, Aspring Champion, P.Fist,Plasma Pistol, 2x Meltagun
9x Noise Marines, Aspring Champion, P.Weapon, Doom Siren, 8x Sonic Blaster
3x Obliterator
3x Obliterator
Dedicated Transport
3x Rhino
1st Round against Stanley's Ultramarine (Spearhead, Siege Ground-6 objective with 1 Vital) Win.
Special Rules: Peek-a-Boom (moved within 3" on all objectives, suffers AP-D6 Strength-2D6 on a roll of 4 and above)
Stanley's list, if I remember correctly was, Librarian Tigurius in Termi Armour, 6 Termis with Cyclone Launcher, 1 Dreadnoughts with Multi Melta, 1 Dreadnought with lascannon and missile launcher, 3 10x men Tactical Squad, 2 Devastator with Heavy Bolters, Lascannon and Missile Launchers and 2 Rhinos and 1 Razorback with Lascannon
The terrain was fairly difficult with lots of marshes and small hills across the battlefield and also a huge pyramid on my left flank. Stanley went first and deployed all his forces with 3 Tac Squads covering most of the objectives in his deployment zone. Termis and Tigurius leads the spearhead along with the Dreadnoughts. Devastators positioned deep in his territory to provide heavy fire support. His Rhinos however were deployed empty, mainly to contest objective, and blocking LOS. Razorback was deployed near the devastators position.
I deployed everything within 12' of the centre table with 3 Rhinos bound with Plague Marines and Noise Marines, Manaroth and Slaanesh DP followed closely. Obliterators took up position on the lower levels of the pyramid targeting the incoming Termis and Dreadnoughts.
Stanleys started the turn with forward movements from Tigurius with Termis, Dreadnoughts and Rhinos. Ultramarines volleys of bolter rounds, lascannon shots, and missiles, but it seems didn't do any justice. I expected as much coming from a shooty army. I moved forward the Rhinos while Manaroth and Slaanesh DP flew forward to target the contesting Tac Squad in his deployment zone. Oblits purposefully moved to have a better firing position. Slaanesh DP attempted to Lash but roled double 12 and lose 1 wound. Kinda unfortunate cause I could Lash one Tac Squad towards Manaroth and he can flame them out with Winds of Chaos or charge them and simultaneously creates havoc and panic on the Ultramarines rear position. Oblits fired blanks and a bad turn one for me.
Turn 2, Stanley surged forward with his 1 Dreadnought and Tigurius with Termis. His shooting again was bad with lots of misses and I made good save rolls. He managed to wound one of the Oblits and the Slaasnesh DP though. I moved forward all of my troops and 1 Rhino with PM stayed back to cover the Vital objective. Manaroth and the wounded Slaanesh DP moved into assault position. At this point the Ultramarines started lose their ground. Tigurius and his Termis were wiped out with Plasma Cannon shots from the Oblits and the advancing Dreadnought was decimated by Meltagun shots from the PM. The rest of the turns saw most of his units and vehicles were cut down heavy fire from the Oblits and PMs. The MVP of this match was Manaroth himself. He went berserk in the Ultramarines rear position by wiping out 3 Tactical Squad and1 Devastator Squad before finally succumbed to heavy fire from the only remaining Devastator squad. In the end the forces of Chaos hold 3 objectives and a near total annihiliation for the Ultramarines.
2nd Round against Peter (Dawn of War, Capture & Control- objective with 1 Vital) Lost.
Special Rules: Night Fighting
Well most of you know his army list. I got TAed by Peter in this round, and that's all I can say about that..
3rd Round against Keh Win's Tau (Pitched Battle, Annihilation- objective with 1 Killpoint) Win.
Again battling a shooty army. Keh Win's positioned his army at the back end of his table edge to get a good firing line. The only option I have in this battle is to get him in assault mode. By 3rd turn, one of the PM squad and Manaroth are already locked in combat with the Tau leader Shadowsun. My Slaanesh DP was a disappointment, failed most of his armour saves, roll double 12 when to Lash and died caused by Perils of the Warp.
Tau are weak in close combat, but not in this battle. Shadowsun managed to tie down Manaroth and his PMs until turn 5 with good invul. saves. God only knows how frustrated I was.. At that point the game was tied at 4-4 killpoints. Deep in my center flank, another Tau commander deep strike and managed to kill 2 oblits only to be slaughtered later by another Oblits squad by plasma shots and power fist attacks. After finally killing Shadowsun, Manaroth again went berserk and slaughtered more fire warriors, adding more killpoints. The game ends on turn 7 which saw only 1 Tau Devilfish survivor,contesting the one vital killpoint. 7-5 killppints favoring me. By then I was super exhausted after nearly 8 hours of 40k goodness...only to recover after I was announced Spore Con 2009 Gamers Choice and seeing my wife's cheerful smile (after whole day of shopping) and also ate lots of chilli crabs at a halal Chinese restaurant. Special thanks to Legio Malaysia for sponsoring the awesome shirts and templates and making this event such a memorable 40k experience.
Watch out Spore Con 2010, I'm bringing my Cadian 7th into the fray..
Spore Con 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Battle Reports at Legio
Chaos Army List 1750pts
DP with LoS, Wing, MoS
Typhus (goin to be replaced with a DP as above)
4 Terminators with 3 Combi Melta, Heavy Flamer, Chainfist
10x Noise Marines with A.Champion, Doom Siren, Power Sword, 9x Sonic Blaster, Personal Icon
10x Plague Marines with A.Champion, Power Fist, 2x Meltagun, Personal Icon
2x Rhinos
3x Obliterator
3x Obliterator
Against Arzmi (Daemon Hunters) Siege Ground, Spearhead (Win)
The games started with 3 objectives placed at center of the battlefield. Arzmi fielded 3 Land Raiders (crazy..), a Grandmaster, Stern, 3 squads of power armoured Grey Knigts with Justicars for every squad. He won the roll of and decided to go first,by deploying all to cover the objectives. I deployed within 12' of the center table with Rhinos (with troops), Vindicator behind Rhinos for cover save, DP and a squad of Oblits. The rest were reserved for deep striking. Attempted to sieze I,but failed.
1st turn action saw all my Rhinos were destroyed by Arzmi's accurate lascannon shots and my troops are now exposed, and things are not looking to good. Few NM felled to LR Crusader's Heavy Bolters and A.Cannon. I moved my PM forward to target his LR Crusader bound with a Grey Knight squad and a Grandmaster. NM moved back to get into cover, DP hid himself from LRs firing range and Oblits slowly advanced. Oblits lascannon shots didn't even dent an incoming LR on the left flank. PM meltagun shots obliterated the LR Crusader, exposing the GM and his GKs. Vindicator shot annihilated the GKs, leaving the GM alone.
2nd turn mostly about assault. GM, Stern and a GKs squad surged forward to target the PMs. More NMs felled to LR shots leaving only 4. Lascannon shots crippled the Vindi demo. cannon and the ensuing phase saw my PMs were assaulted by the enraged Grey Knights. Surprisingly my PMs managed to hold them off and even wounding the GM down to 1 wound. My turn saw the oblits deep striked to target the unladen LR at center flank and managed to destroy it. DP flew to assist the battered PMs. The other Oblits advanced to target the LR on the left flank and again missed. DP assaulted the GKs to avoid Stern, and again my PMs managed to hold leaving only the slimy A.Champion. DP was instantly banished back to the warp by Stern before taking down few GKs with him.
The following turns, the PM is finally killed by the GKs, only to face 3 Oblits, a Squad of NM and the finally arrived Terminators with Typhus. The GKs were completedly annihilated by plasma, doom siren, heavy flamer and bolter shots. The LR on the left flank was a wrecked thanks to Multi Melta shots from the Oblits and also forcing the remaining GK squad to disembark. Later on, the remaining GK assaulted the advanced Oblits and were completely obliterated with combination of P.Fist and Plasma Gun shots. 1 objective was secured and an unholy victory for Chaos!!
Against Rizal (Dark Eldar) Annihilation, Spearhead (Win)
This is the first time I've played against a Dark Eldar force and also Rizal for that matter. I'm not quite familiar with DE's wargears and arsenals, but I can tell that the Combat Drugs and Dark Lances are a nuissance and can really distrupt your army. His Wyches and Archon are a piece of work as well. The only problem that his forces have tons of kill points (guessing around 19..) which was unfavorable for him and all the more enticing for me, hehe. Anyways the game went on with me killing most of his transport with Dark Lances (Ravagers i think..) Archon, Wyches and many more. What the Dark Eldars lacks in armour, they compensate with powerful assault capabilities which saw my 1 Oblits squad, Typhus with Terminators were all killed by turn 3. The funny thing was, Typhus with attached Termis failed leadership, ran and was caught up and destroyed, sob..sob... The Vindicator was also destroyed contributing nothing in this battle. But the highlight of the game was my DP successfully made 5 invul saves consecutively from lance shots AND an Obliterator failed his 2+ armour saves from splinter cannon shots (how ironic..) The game ends with 13-5 kill points, favoring me.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Cadian 7th 'Lucky Seven'

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Season 2 League Recap
The list worked against most armies but crucial planning and placing will determine the survivability and achieving objectives. I'm looking forward for the Marksmanship small tourney and I'm sure most defeated armies would love to exact revenge on me. And I'm looking forward to it...HAIL SLAANESH!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Season 2 League - Game 6 & 7
Game 6 with Jo - Capture & Control, Spearhead (Loss)
I've never recorded a loss against Blood Angels before, the excellent record was shattered by Jo. I was really hoping for a win to strengthen my position in the league. It seems carelessness and rules overlooked that caused the most damage. Jo, you broke my heart man...Anyways here's the report:
Jo won the rolloff and deployed all his forces in the middle with his Vindicator, 2 Baal Preds, a squad of bikes with Multimelta, DC squad and loads of A.Squads led by Dante. 1 assault squad hanging back to protect his objective and also a Drop pod with 5 man Tac.Squad in reserve. Seeing his forces all deployed in the middle, I opted for a shooting position and deployed my forces right at the end of my table edge and 1 squad of NM in reserve. This was to get out of range from his Demolisher Cannon. I realised that this tactic was a wrong move indeed.
To sum up this game would have the other way around should it continue to turn 6, due to my LR with a squad of NM, was not on time to reach his objective in his deployment. To the south flank, Dante and few remaining A.Squad, would have been lashed by the DP and shot down by my other LR. Oh well, u win some u lose some..
Game 7 with Iz - Siege Ground, Pitched Battle (Loss)I never seem to learn my lesson of assaulting Feel No Pain troops and in this game my Slaanesh forces was basically food for the Orks. Iz, famously known with his terrorizing Nob bikers proved to be more than a match for the forces of Slaanesh.
But I did managed to strecthed Iz up to turn 5, and it could have been a draw as well since both holding one objective each. Well luck seem to favor the Orks and the game went on to turn 6. Nob bikers crushed the NMs guarding the objective ending my hope for a draw. It could've been a TA too if it wasn't for one surviving LR contesting for an objective at the NortWest quadrant of the table.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Poor Butterfly...

Season 2 League - Game 5
The rest of the turns are basically a slaughter for the RG. All of his advancing/outflanking troops are either killed by Doom Siren shots or were charged and slaughtered by the DP and NMs. Iqbal's Tac. Squad managed to wound my Dp down to 1, but reinforcements from the left managed to saw off those pesky T.Squad.

Friday, February 20, 2009
Season 2 League - Game 4
This game was against Khairul's Eldar of Altansar. I have always loathed going into battle with these treacherous aliens with their Doom, Guide, Holofield and etc crap. This battle was more of shooting gallery rather than assaulting (didn't go into assault phase at all!). We basically exchanged fire and that was it.
Khairul got to deploy first, placing his Rangers behind a hill and a Wave Serpent carrying a Farseer and Dire Avengers. I've decided not to deploy anything and all of my forces will come later in the second turn.
Turn 2
Khairul's forces came into the fray with 2 Falcons transporting Eldrad with Banshees and Fire Dragons, and also a squadron of 3 War Walkers with Scatter Lasers. Brightlance with Pulse laser shots on my LR but no damage done (sighing relief..)
I moved forward with 1 LR, deploying a NM squad, and my DP towards the entrenched Rangers. The lure of Slaanesh are to tempting for them as they were lashed and moved closer into Doom Siren range. The rangers were decimated (1 scoring unit down). The other LR did their part, caused 'Shaken' on Falcon A, nullified his B.Lance. Things are looking good so far..
Turn 3
The 'shaken' Falcon A fled back closer to the W. Walkers (I'm not sure why he did that..). Falcon B's B.Lance shots coupled with Pulse Lasers killed 2 Oblits. 24 Scatter Lasers shots targeting the exposed NM unit, only managed to kill 2 NM! Slaanesh must be smiling indeed..
The exposed NM squad embarked in the LR while the LR pivoted and aimed its visible broadside lascannon on Falcon B, to avenged the 2 dead Oblits. The Falcon exploded killing 2 Fire Dragons at the same time. The remaining Oblit killed 2 more F.Dragons with its P.Cannon. The other LR shot at Falcon A causing a 'Stun' result'..oh well..moving on.
Turn 4
The Wave Serpent moved cautiously towards my deployement and the W.Walkers aiming its S.Laser on the sole Oblit and was obliterated. Nothing much he can do at this juncture
I moved my LR backwards to cover the other objective. At this point I'm controlling 2 objectives and confident of winning.
Turn 5
Falcon and Wave Serpent moved closer. W. Walkers also moved to target anything within their fire range
Land Raiders shot the incoming Falcon but only managed to get 'Shaken' result. Damn holofields...I moved my DP upfront as bait just in case the continues to Turn 6..and it did..
Turn 6
Things were beginning to look ugly. Khairul deployed his Dire Avengers and Farseer from the Falcon to cover the open objective, while the Falcon advanced to block my LR on the left flank. The wave serpent descended right in front of my scoring NM, deploying his Banshees and Eldrad. Few pistol shots on the scoring unit, but only 2 killed. Dire Avengers shot my DP but caused only 1 wound. But the S.Lasers finished him off right after. At least he took the bait..
I moved my scoring unit towards the Banshees and Eldrad but still maitaining coherency within the objective. The LR next to it deployed its fresh NM squad, targeting Eldrad and Banshees. Doom Siren and bolter shots finished them off. The game was still favoring me until it continued to Turn 7..arghhhh!!
Turn 7
Khairul didn't waste any time and moved his Falcon to contest the objective next to my lone NM on the hill. His Wave Serpent moved full speed to cover the other objective next to the LR. I realised at this point he made a few mistakes. Instead of targeting the lone NM, the Dire Avengers targeted the fresh NM squad, and 3 left standing (A.Champion survived). At this point he's controlling 1 objective and destined for the win.
But luck seems to favor me. I moved my LR on the right flank at cruising speed towards the Dire Avengers gun line, deploying with what ever left of the NM squad. The 3 remaining NM moved forward into Doom Siren range. The Dire Avengers could not stand a chance against 2 D.Siren attacks and were eliminated thus losing control of the objective. The LR on the left flank, pivoted and target the Falcon contesting on the hill. 1 lascannon and heavy bolter penetrating shots destroyed the Falcon resulting the lone scoring NM gaining back the objective. It was a close shave, but a much needed victory for the Children Slaanesh!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Codex Imperial Guard
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Plague Marines
Warsmith Faizal 'Perturabo's Hammer': Terminator Armour, MoN, Deathbringer 165pts
Faizal's Chosen: 4x Terminators, P.Fist, C.Fist, Heavy Flamer 150pts
Plague Squad 1: 9x PMs, A.Champion, P.Fist, 2x Meltagun, Rhino 302pts
Plague Squad 2: 9x PMs, A.Champion, P.Fist, 2x Meltagun, Rhino 302pts
3x Obliterators
3x Obliterators
Vindicator: Dozer Blade
Total: 1499pts
Killpoints: 9
Scoring: 2
I'm still experimenting with this list and I'll devise a proper strategy soon. For now I'm concentrating with my Slaanesh army. Btw, I've finished painting a squad of Plague Marines and will post it later. Check out Goatboy's easy Plague Marine painting technique.
Awards for Season 1 40k League
My Slaaneshi Queen

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Season 2 League - Game 3
This game was a total massacre for Shazli’s Ultramarines, and I’ve never won a game with such magnitude (14 Kill points). Too bad I didn't take any photos. I won the roll-off and decided to go first. I deployed all of my forces, and entrenched my Oblits and a squad of NM behind a hill on my right flank for cover saves. The rest of my forces on the left flank advanced forward for the kill. Highlight of the game when his drop pod with Sternguards landed on the hill where my Oblits and NM were entrenched, but managed to kill only a single Oblit. His left flank with Land Speeders trying to shoot down my Oblits but I got lucky with my armor saves.
On the right flank, my forces were doing exceptionally well, gaining kill points by killing off his scouts, chaplain, assault squads, attack bike, etc.. I felt pity for Shaz as his dice roles were horrible, imagine demolisher cannon scoring a hit on my LR but with 2D6 roles of 1 and 3!
On the left flank, his sternguards on the hill were decimated and my Oblits managed to destroy one of his land speeders. By then I have enough kill points to secure a win and at the same time didn’t suffer any losses. But with Shaz’s Astartes iron will, still fought on till the very end. In the end, only a single combat squad left on his right flank above a hill. A crushing victory for the Children of Slaanesh!
Season 2 League - Game 2
Chang’s IG army with 14 lascannons! No vehicles but pure Infiltrating footsloggers. Again the deployment was DoW, but it worked well for me as it nullifies most of his troops infiltrating capability. 2 objectives was in my deployment quadrant and 1 objective near his deployment. Arrogantly I, deployed 1squad of NM and my DP in the middle of the table, in front of Chang’s gun line, hoping to inflict maximum carnage in the first turn. Well they did killed off a few guardsmen but the rest at the back were waiting with their plasma guns, flamers, lascannons…the DP and squad of NM were annihilated, in the first turn. I will never underestimate these Emperor’s lapdogs ever again.
Season 2 League - Game 1
His army was really a tough nut to crack. He’s using Abadon and accompanying him a DP with Wings and LoS ,6 Oblits and 2 squads of Plague Marines. Peter placed his objective marker right in the middle of the table and mine behind a bunker, deep in my deployment zone. Not that I’m complaining but I’m still figuring out how to strategize my army with DoW deployment.
My first turn, instead deploying all my troops, I selected my DP and a squad of NM for deployment, immediately run my NM to cover the objective. Peter deployed all his Rhino mounted PMs, Abadon and DP near his objective. My LR’s and Oblits came in the second turn, and attempt to shoot down Peter’s Rhino but all missed. Peter deep striked 2 obliterators squad in front of my LR and managed to destroy one LR. Things started to going down hill from that point on. He moved his Rhinos at full speed towards my remaining LR and deployed all his PMs. Few meltagun shots on the LR but no damage done. Abadon and the DP moved forward towards my NM covering the objective.
The third turn will show how tough the PMs are. I moved my surviving LR at cruising speed towards the PM’s line and deployed my NM. Survivors from the wrecked LR moved forward toward the PMs ignoring the Oblits. Doom Siren shots engulfed the PMs but managed to kill only a few. (Feel No Pain mahh). Foolishly, I assaulted the PMs and the NMs fate were sealed at that point. All of the NM were annihilated. Abadon, living up to its terror reputation killed off all the NM contesting for the objective. By then my remaining LR was destroyed from the PM’s meltagun shots and my DP flew to contest his objective in the middle but Peter’s DP and PM’s managed to see him off in the 6th turn. It was a total annihilation against the Children of Slaanesh!
Lesson learned for this match:
1) Avoid assaulting the PMs. Instead, shoot down his Rhino transport capability to slow them down.
2) I have 2 LR’s and can out maneuver him easily by taking off his Oblits first with help from DP’s lash ability.
3) As for Abadon, well I’m not on the verge of facing him in combat and the best way is to stay away as far as I can.
Next time Peter, next time…